Thursday, January 26, 2012

Facebook Page

Well would you look at that. I made a Facebook page. 

facebookpage by Rotempleton
facebookpage, a photo by Rotempleton on Flickr.

For this week's ALES 204 assignment, I had the opportunity to create a personal Facebook page. I have had a profile for over five years, but I had never considered creating a professional page to market myself to future employers. I was able to post my personal goals and experience in a format I would want prospective employers to see. I like this format better than allowing the public to see my personal Facebook page, which is harder to manage due to a great amount of content built up over the years. 

Creating this page was very simple. I have created and managed a page before so I had no difficulty in this area. What I did find slightly more challenging was uploading the Flickr picture directly to my blog. After some trial and error, we learned how. I see a lot of potential in using Flickr to share photos and web albums, and I am going to try to use it more frequently now that I have an account. 

Screen Capture from my Facebook page. (Rosie Templeton, 2012)
Setting up this page was a good experience as many of the students in ALES 204 will have to do this in their future careers. As a professional page, I don't think the Facebook page is as effective as using LinkedIn to market yourself to employers. I enjoyed learning something new about technology and media sharing in class this week. Many of my other classmates embraced the professional Facebook page as well; check out Lauren's here.


  1. I agree with LinkedIn being a more professional route for getting in contact with potential employers or researchers. While creating a professional Facebook page was a good experience I would much prefer to use LinkedIn or the old fashioned way of a paper resume! Also I do not like how my Facebook page and profile come up in the same search...your employer's can see everything that is on your profile so extra caution must be taken. All this being said, Facebook has the most familiar and easy to navigate page...I found Delicious and Wikipedia to be so confusing.

  2. You brought up a great point, facebook profiles can be very hard to manage with friends posting information or tagging pictures. I too felt better having a page that is completely for my professional life, and separate from my facebook profile. I can then set my privacy settings on my profile knowing if an employer searched my name they would still find information on me. Only now it will be solely what I want them to see. I also agree with how easy to use facebook is, and I've yet to master LinkedIn even, so I'll stick with facebook for now.

  3. I love your facebook page, it looks very good but also professional and so does your blog. It is very obvious from your pictures what your interests and field are. i have to agree with you that LinkedIn is a better way to promote yourself, especially if applying for a job. Facebook gives the possibility to a prospective employer to know too much about your personal life and maybe look at pictures that you would rather not have them see. For those reasons LinkedIn is a better option, and also I think an employer might look at LinkedIn before looking at facebook pages. In any case you would have no problem finding a job with your facebook page, it looks very good!
